#GeneralPRIDE » Pride Pantry

Pride Pantry

Pride Pantry Recommendation Form

Fill this form out if you know a student that is in need.


Shafter High School and the P.R.I.D.E intervention team are pleased to announce the establishment of our P.R.I.D.E Pantry (Federal ID number-95-6001764). With the ongoing recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, our intervention team has witnessed a drastic increase in the need for non-academic support for our struggling students


As we continue to connect with our community through this pandemic, we have witnessed firsthand many families struggling to survive, let alone thrive.  Many families are lacking the financial means to obtain basic hygiene, clothing, and household items causing undue stress for the children; which has resulted in negative academic performance and increased anxiety. The P.R.I.D.E pantry will allow the opportunity to donate directly back to the amazing Shafter community to reach these hurting families.

We understand that everyone is being stretched at this time and would greatly appreciate any support you might be able to provide! 100% of items donated will be passed along to those families in need! We will continue to grow the P.R.I.D.E Pantry so please remember our efforts in the future and share with others.

Ways you can help contribute to the P.R.I.D.E Pantry:

Some suggested items we are seeking donations for (not limited to):

  • Personal hygiene items-soap, deodorant, shampoo, face wash, toothpaste, toothbrushes, feminine hygiene items, lotion, hairbrushes/hair ties/rubber bands, Chapstick etc.
  • Clothing items-new socks/undergarments, new or gently used shirts and pants, sweaters/jackets, shoes of all sizes
  • Household items-cleaning supplies, toilet paper, paper towels, baby wipes, new pillows, gently used sheets/blankets/towels, dishes, laundry detergent, dish soap, soap, trash bags, clothing racks, plastic clear storage bins/containers, hangers, kitchen supplies, etc.
  • Non-perishable food items-canned goods, bottled water/beverages, cup of noodles, granola bars, protein bars, popcorn, cheese and crackers, chips, etc.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to:

  • Katie Young-On Campus Intervention: 661-746-4961
  • Sabrina Macias-Interventionist: 661-746-4961

We believe that if we can help provide for one's basic needs that their academic success will improve resulting in long term positive futures!



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